Thursday, 24 July 2008

Arrival and Dismissal

Copied from CECPTJ/018/08

Dear parents,

Through our survey form a parent requested we allow them to drop of their children off at the main door, so we have decided to try this for arrival and dismissal for one month trial period, starting 24th July 2008. The success of this will depend on all the parent's co-operation.

Please take note of the following rules for arrival and dismissal of students.

1.Paying school fees
Parents are not allowed to park their car inside the kindergarten compounds (staff parking area) if you wish to pay school fees please park your car outside then go to the office.

2.Drop off only
No stopping car to take child into the kindergarten, it is a drop off only. Teachers will open the door for your child. If you wish to take your child to the classroom please park outside and then walk into the school.

3. Don't block other cars.
It is a one way system "in and out"

To make the arrival and dismissal as smooth as possible please follow the above rules, we will be testing for one month. If we find that all goes well we will adopt this system. But if we find that parents are not co-operating then we will stop it immediately for the safety of the children.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Sorry for the inconvenience

Firstly I would like to apologise to our parents for the inconvenience that we have cause during the sign in/out. Parents didn't have to actually sign their child in, we just needed to take note of the time your child enters our school. In a way teachers can learn the names of all the children in school and also we can see the pattern in your arrival and dismissal time for safety and extra precaution.